Paper Code: 
ENV 123
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course objectives

This course will enable the students to-

  1. Become aware of the deteriorating conditions of the environment due to anthropogenic interference
  2. Deal with the various sources and effects of pollution in various environmental components


Course Outcomes (COs):



Course outcome

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

ENV 123

Environmental Pollution

Upon completion of the Practical course, the students will be able to

CO9: Explain the complex chemical and physical processes of environmental pollution

CO10: Identify relationship of various pollutants and its effect on human health, vegetation and material

CO11: Describe the various processes of pollutant transport in the environmental components

CO12: Plan research based studies to correlate the effects of emerging pollutants with environmental and human health

Approach in teaching:

Interactive lectures, Group discussions, Multimedia presentations, Case studies

Learning activities for the students:

Debates, Reading, Problem solving, Field observations


Quiz , Case Study

Group Discussions

Class Test

Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
Air Pollution
  • Atmospheric composition and stratification
  • Air quality standards
  • Sources of pollution (Line and area source)
  • Classification of air pollutants
  • Meteorological parameters influencing air pollution
  • Atmospheric stability and Inversion
  • Plume behavior
  • Photochemical reactions in the atmosphere (Reactions of NOx, O3, Hydrocarbons)
  • Causes and effects of acid rain, global warming, and ozone depletion.


Unit II: 
Water Pollution
  • Water quality standards.
  • Sources of water pollution
  • Effects of water pollution
  • Marine Pollution: causes and impacts
  • Ganga Action Plan


Unit III: 
Soil Pollution
  • Composition of soil with special reference to Rajasthan
  • Types and sources of soil pollution
  • Methods of Soil pollution control
  •  Land degradation with special reference to soil erosion


Unit IV: 
Noise Pollution
  • Basic concept and definition
  •  Sources of noise pollution
  •  Noise exposure levels and standards
  •  Impacts of noise on human health


Unit V: 
Radioactive and Thermal Pollution
  • Sources, types and effects of radiation (Ionizing and non ionizing)
  • Radioactive Pollution
  • Management and disposal of radioactive waste
  • Control of radioactive pollution
  • Thermal Pollution: sources and effects


Essential Readings: 
  • ·         Cunningham, W. P., & Cunningham, M. A. (2012). Environmental Science: A Global Concern (12th ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  • ·         Ghassemi, A. (2002). Handbook of Pollution Control and Waste Minimization. Marcel Dekker, Inc.
  • ·         Hill, M. K. (2010). Understanding Environmental Pollution (3rd ed.). U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
  • ·         Kaur, H. (2014). Environmental Chemistry (8th Ed.). Meerut: Pragati Prakashan.
  • ·         Lutgens, F. K., & Tarbuck, E. J. (2010). The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology (11th ed.). Prentice Hall (Pearson).
  • ·         Peavy, H., Rowe, D., & Tchobanoglous, G. (2013). Environmental Engineering (1st ed.). McGraw Hill Education India Private Limited.
  • ·         Peirce, J. J., Weiner, R. E., & Vesilind, P. A. (1998). Environmental Pollution and Control (4th ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • ·         Pepper, I. L., Gerba, C. P., & Brusseau, M. L. (2006). Environmental and Pollution Science (2nd ed.). Academic Press (Elsevier).
  • ·         Prafflin, J. R., & Zeigler, E. N. (2006). Encyclopedia of Environment Science and Engineering (5th ed.). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).
  • ·         Wang, L. K., Pereira, N. C., & Hung, Y.-T. (2005 ). Advanced Air and Noise Pollution Control. New Jersey: Humana Press Inc.
Academic Year: