Paper Code: 
ENV 324
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to -

  1. Develop skills for review of literature and formulation of research problem
  2. Understand the process of formation of methodology for research work

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ENV 324


Upon completion of the synopsis, student will be:

CO91: Develop the ability to perform close and critical readings

CO92: Develop skills for formulation of hypothesis and research problem

CO93: Devise appropriate methodology for conduction of defined research work

CO94: Devise a plan for preparation of research proposal

CO95: Develop effective communication skills for writing a good research paper

CO96: Review and compose research papers on selected research topic for reputed journals

Approach in teaching:

Case studies, Discussions, Concept Mapping, Computer Aided Instruction

Learning activities for the students:

Team-Based Learning, reading journals, concept formation, Reading, Simulation

Power Point presentations, report preparation, Viva voce



Each student is required to undergo a specialized training before the commencement of the third semester. Thereafter she has to prepare an extensive report under the guidance of any one of the faculty members. The training shall last for a period of 30-45 days in a recognized institute/ a well-reputed industry/ any renowned environmental laboratory/ NGO.


Academic Year: