Paper Code: 
ENV 423 A
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the basic principles of remote sensing
  2. Understand applications of remote sensing and GIS in Environmental conservation

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ENV 423 A

Remote Sensing and GIS

Upon completion of this course, student will:

CO115:  Analyse the principles and components of aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing and adequately use vocabulary, terminology and nomenclature of the discipline.

CO116:   Perceive the characteristics of electromagnetic spectrum and its interaction with atmosphere and earth surface features.

CO117:  Compute an image visually and digitally using various digital image processing methods and techniques

CO118:   Employ spatial and non-spatial data features in GIS for map projections and coordinates system.

CO119: Appraise GPS components, their functions, error sources in GPS observations and corrections for accurate positioning.

CO120: Compute knowledge of remote sensing, GIS and GPS for environmental conservation.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Power point presentations, Informative Videos, Demonstration, tutorials

Learning activities for the students:

Image Interpretation,  Case studies, Simulation

Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects, Assignments, Class Test, Semester end examination


Unit I: 
Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis :
  • Basic Principles of Remote Sensing, Earth Observation Sensors and Platforms, Spectral Signature of different land cover features, Image interpretation, Thermal & Microwave Remote Sensing,      Digital Image Processing: Basic Concepts of Rectification and Registration, Enhancement, Classification and accuracy assessment techniques. 

Unit II: 
Global Navigation Satellite System
  • Introduction to GPS and GNSS, receivers, processing methods, errors and accuracy.


Unit III: 
Geographical Information System
  • GIS, databases, topology, spatial analysis and open source software.

Unit IV: 
RS and GIS Applications
  • Agriculture and Soil, Forestry and Ecology, Geoscience and Geo-hazards, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Urban and Regional Studies and Water Resources.

Essential Readings: 
  • Gatrell, A. and Markku, L. (1998).  GIS and Health. Philadelphia. Taylor and Francis, Inc.
  • Griffth, D. A. and  Layne,L.J.(1999). A Casebook For Spatial Statistical Data Analysis: A Compilation of Analyses of Different Thematic Data Sets. New York. Oxford Press.
  • Gupta, R. P. (2003). Remote sensing geology. New York .Springer.
  • Hay, S.I. and  Randolph,S.E. and  Rogers,D.J eds.(2000). Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in Epidemiology. San Diego. Academic Press.
  • Haywood, I. (2000). Geographical Information Systems. Longman.
  • Joseph G. (2003). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. Hyderabad. Universities Press.
  • Joseph G. (2003). Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. Hyderabad. Universities Press.
  • Lee, Jay and Wong, D.W.S. (2001).Statistical Analysis with ArcView GIS. New York. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Academic Year: