Paper Code: 
ENV 425
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –


  1. Gain hands on experience and perform analysis of waste water samples for physicochemical parameters
  2. Interpret of satellite imageries, prepare of EIA reports and statistically interpret the data


Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ENV 425


Upon completion of this practical course, student will:

CO133: Execute methodologies used in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

CO134:  Implement the methods

of prediction of impacts for

any proposed development


CO135: Assess satellite imageries for identification of water resources, vegetation cover, land use/land cover

CO136:  Analyse temporal, spectral and spatial differences of satellite data using image processing software and classify it for thematic mapping

CO137: Demonstrate and quantify the physiological parameters for waste water treatment and discharge

CO138: Develop skills in qualitative and quantitative data analysis and presentation

Approach in teaching:

Demonstration, Group discussions, Conducting experiments, field trips, Computer aided instructions

Learning activities for the students:

Brainstorming, preparation of reports, individual and group projects, surveys

Quiz , Power Point Presentation, File preparation, Viva Voce, Class test and Semester end examination


After conducting the practical exercises, the students will be able to:

  • Gain knowledge regarding practical application of methodologies used in EIA
  • Interpret satellite imageries for identification of water resources, vegetation cover, land use/land cover
  • Demonstrate and quantify the physiological parameters for waste water treatment and discharge
  • Develop skills in qualitative and quantitative data analysis and presentation


  • Interpretation of Satellite imagery for
    • Identification of Water Resources
    • Urban Planning (Preparation of Land use and Land Cover Maps)
    • Classification and identification of Vegetation Cover
    • Preliminary interpretation of Geology
  • Study of Geomorphology through imagery
    • Preparation of Geomorphological map
    • Drainage analysis: Identification of types of Drainage and stream characteristics
    • Identification of Neotectonic faults
  • Studies of suitable areas for Watershed Management


  • Preparation of EIA report according to the given case study
  • Prediction of Impacts using Matrix method
  • Basics of Environmental Modeling


  • Acidity
  • Alkalinity
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • B.O.D
  • C.O.D
  • Conductivity
  • Residual Chlorine (in treated wastewater)
  • Chlorine Demand
  • Total Solids
  • Total Suspended Solids
  • Total Dissolved Solids
  • Total hardness
  • pH
  • Free Carbon Dioxide
  • Nitrate
  • Phosphate
  • Fluoride
  • Sludge Volume Index


Calculation of following (Manual and using SPSS/Microsoft Excel)

  • Standard deviation
  • Correlation (Karl Pearson & Spearman’s Rank Correlation
  • Regression
  • Chi-square test
  • t-test and f-test
  • Calculation of analysis of variance ANOVA

Note:  Any other practical exercise (related to theory) may be conducted besides the ones mentioned above.


Academic Year: