Paper Code: 
ENV 121
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To acquaint students with the subject and to make them learn the fundamentals of ecology and environmental science

Unit I: 
Basic concepts of Ecology and Environmental Science
  • Gaia hypothesis
  •  Main subdivisions of ecology: Based on taxonomic categories /habitat/levels of organization                                                         
  • Definition, History, Importance and Scope of Environmental science
  • Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Science


Unit II: 
Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Types of ecosystems
  • Concept of ecosystems-structure and function
  • Combined concept of Limiting factors
  • First and Second law of thermodynamics
  • Ecological efficiency
  • Energy flow in ecosystems and energy flow models
  • Food-chains and food webs
  • Homeostasis of the Ecosystem
  • Ecological pyramids


Unit III: 
Community dynamics
  • The Biotic Community Concept
  • Characteristics of a community
  • Concept of Ecological Dominance
  • Ecotones and Edge Effect
  • Productivity: concept and its measurement
  • Habitat and Ecological Niche
  • Ecological Succession: Causes, attributes, process, trends,bioenergetics and concept of climax



Unit IV: 
Population Dynamics
  • Population characteristics: Density, dispersion, age, structure, natality, mortality                           
  • Growth Forms:J and S forms
  • Concept of Carrying capacity
  • Population fluctuation
  • Population regulation
  • Factors affecting population explosion
  • Life history strategies (r and K selection)
  • Interactions amongst populations: intra- and interspecific interaction
  • Negative interactions:Predation, parasitism and antibiosis
  • Positive interactions: Commensalism, cooperation and mutualism
Unit V: 
Nutrient Cycling
  • Biogeochemical cycles: Patterns and basic types of cycles
  • Hydrological
  • Carbon
  • Oxygen
  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Sulphur
  • Role of microbes in biogeochemical cycles 


Essential Readings: 
  • Agrawal,K. C. (2001).Fundamentals of Environmental Biology. Bikaner (India): Nidhi Publishers.
  • Odum, E.P. (1971). Fundamentals of Ecology. USA: W.B. Saunders Co.
  • Odum E.P. (1996). Fundamentals of Ecology. Dehradun: Natraj Publisher
  • Chapman,J. L. and Reiss, M. J. (1995).Ecology: Principles and Applications.  Cambridge: University Press
  • Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E. and Hepworth, M.T. (2001). Environmental Encyclopedia. Mumbai: Jaico Publ. House.
  • Kemp: The Environment Dictionary        
  • Sharma, P. D.  (1996).Ecology and Environment. Meerut: Rastogi Publications.
  • Kormondy, E. J. (1969). Concepts of Ecology. The University of Michigan: Prentice-Hall
  • Townsend, C. Harper, J. and Begon, M. (2006).Essentials of Ecology. Blackwell Science
  • Jackson, A. R. W. Jackson, J. M. and Longman (1998).Environmental Science – The natural environment and human impact.
  • Santra, S. C. (2001). Environmental Science. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
  • Masters,G. M. (2004). Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering (2ndEd.) Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
  • Miller, T. G.(1997). Environmental Science (6thed), Wadsworth Pub. Co.
  • Dhaliwal, G. S. Sangha, G. S. and Raina,P. K. Fundamentals of Environmental Science.New Delhi: Kalyani Publication


Academic Year: