Paper Code: 
ENV 401
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Air pollution and its control
  • Nature of pollutants: Biological, Chemical and Physical
  • Sources of air pollution
  • Types of air pollutants; their characteristics and sources
  • Effects of major air pollutants(SOx, NOx, CO2, O3 PAN, PM10 & PM 2.5) on living and nonliving components
  • Basic methods of air pollution control (Reduction at source, change of process
  • Equipments used to control air pollution-cyclones, ESP, fabric filters & wet scrubbers.


Unit II: 
Water pollution and its control
  • Definition and Major sources
  • Types of water pollutants(Inorganic,organic,O2 demanding, thermal, radioactive and disease causing agents)
  • Effects of water pollutants on surface and ground water quality
  • Control of water pollution (basic idea of sewage treatment plant)


Unit III: 
Soil/Land pollution and its control
  • Major sources of soil pollution
  • Types of soil pollutants (domestic and municipal waste, industrial and mining waste, agricultural waste, radioactive and chemical waste)
  • Control of soil pollution


Unit IV: 
Noise pollution and its control
  • Major sources of Noise pollution  
  • Effects of noise pollution on human health
  • Control of noise pollution


Unit V: 
Radiation and Thermal pollution and its control
  • Major sources of radiation pollution
  • Effects of radiation pollution
  • Sources and effects of thermal pollution
  • Control of radiation and thermal pollution


Essential Readings: 
  • ·         Miller, T.G., S. E. (2012). Living In The Environment (17th Ed.). Usa: Brooks/Cole Cenage Learning.
  • ·         Pepper, I., C. P. (2006). Environmental And Pollution Science (2nd Ed.). Academic Press.
  • ·         Pierce, J., R. E. (1998). Environmental Pollution And Control. Usa: Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier).
  • ·         Kaur, H. (2014). Environmental Chemistry (8th Ed.). Meerut: Pragati Prakashan.
  • ·         Rao, M.N., H. R. (1989). Air Pollution. New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Limited.
  • ·         Cunningham, W. P., & Cunningham, M. A. (2012). Environmental Science: A Global Concern (12th ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Academic Year: