Visit to Municipal Solid waste Processing Plant, Sewapura

Department of Environmental Science

Visit to Visit to Municipal Solid Waste Processing Plant, Sewapura

Date: 2nd February 2017

The department of Environmental Science organized a visit to Municipal Solid Waste Management Plant, Sewapura, Sikar Road, Jaipur on 2nd February, 2017 A total of 13 students attended the site visit along with two faculty members. The purpose of this visit was to provide the students with sound knowledge municipal solid waste management system.

On arrival to the site and meeting with the workers in charge of guiding us, a short brief about the management system was given by Mr.Laxman Singh (Manager) and his colleagues to start the tour around the site. They informed us that Jaipur generates about 1400 metric tons of waste per day and they have  capacity to manage about 250 metric tons. All the municipal solid waste brought to the plant is converted to compost and refuse derived fuel after proper processing. They work on the method of windrow composting and the compost thus generated is sold to market and provide to farmers at low cost so that same may be used in agricultural fields. The students gain practical knowledge regarding sustainable utilization for waste and learn about the process of making compost and refuse derived fuel.
