Soil properties-physical (density, porosity, texture, soil structure), chemical (inorganic and organic)
Soil types in India
Collection and preparation of soil samples for analysis: sampling procedure, preparation of sample for analysis-drying, seiving, grinding, mixing, storing
Unit II:
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Soil biota, types of organisms in soil
Microbial diversity in soil- Microorganisms in surface soils, in shallow subsurface environments, in deep subsurface environments
Interactions among soil microorganisms-neutral, positive and negative associations
Humus formation
Unit III:
Soil Contamination and Degradation
Soil contamination due to metals, chemical fertilizers, pesticide and their effects
Soil pollution-caused by industrial effluents (paper, textile, tannery, metal, pharma)
Soil degradation-causes, types (chemical and physical), measures to check soil degradation, remediation of degraded soil
Soil conservation
Unit IV:
Soil Fertility
Soil fertility and soil productivity; nutrient sources: