Practical: Statistical Analysis

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

  1. Prepare data for analysis using appropriate methods and techniques
  2. Apply statistical methods to real-world problems and draw appropriate conclusions based on the  results.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24CENV 706

Practical: Statistical Analysis

CO117: Accurately calculate measures of central tendency and dispersion and perform statistical tests such as t-test, correlation & regression, ANOVA, etc. using Microsoft Excel, or other relevant software.

CO118: Maintain detailed practical records documenting data classification, tabulation, analysis procedures, and results obtained through manually and using software tools

CO119: Effectively communicate their statistical findings during viva-voce examinations, articulating the rationale behind statistical analyses

CO120: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussions, Case studies, Computer aided instructions, tutorials

Learning activities for the students: Problem solving, concept formation, assigned questions, simulations, surveys

Quiz, Assignment

Tutorials, Class

test, Assignments Semester End Examination



  • Classification and tabulation of data in Excel/any other software
  • Create and interpret graphical displays of data, such as histograms, box plots, and scatter plots.
  • Calculation of following (Manual and using SPSS/Microsoft Excel/any other software)
  • Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Mode, Median)
  • Measures of Dispersion (Standard deviation)
  • Correlation (Karl Pearson & Spearman’s Rank Correlation)
  • Regression
  • Chi-square test
  • T-test (Paired and Unpaired)
  • F-test & Analysis of variance ANOVA

Note: Any other practical exercise (related to theory) may be conducted besides the ones mentioned above.


Academic Year: