Paper Code: 
ENV 222
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Air Pollution Monitoring
  • Aims and objectives of air quality monitoring
  • Instruments for sampling gaseous pollutants
  • Particulate matter
  • Sampling of particulates (suspended and respirable) by High Volume Sampler/ Respirable dust sampler
  • Stack sampling Techniques:Planning the study,Selection of sampling location, Representative sample,Size of sampling point, Traverse points, Determination of gas composition, Determination of moisture content and   Determination of temperature and velocity


Unit II: 
Air Pollution Control
  • Air pollution control from stationary sources
  •  Control of air pollution by equipments: Settling chambers, Separators, Cyclones, Filters, Electrostatic precipitators and Scrubbers
  • Control of gaseous Contaminants: Absorption, Adsorption, Combustion, Masking and Counteracting, Control at the Source
  • Preventive Techniques: Shift of the sources, Substitution of raw material and fuels, Process modification
  • Alteration of equipments and good operating practices.


Unit III: 
Water Pollution Monitoring and Control
  • Sources and characteristics of industrial waste water and sewage
  • Treatment of sewage:- Primary, secondary and tertiary(trickling filters and activated sludge process)
  • Attached and Suspended growth system
  • Sludge dewatering, sludge thickening, ETP-paper mill, textile, sugar mill,
  • Basics of MBBR, RBC
  • Concept of CETP


Unit IV: 
Soil Sampling and Analysis
  • Methods of Soil Sampling
  •  Soil microbes and their functions
  •  Different kinds of fertilizers (N,P,K) and their effect on soil characteristics
  • Soil contamination by metallic pollutants


Unit V: 
Noise Pollution Monitoring and Control
  • Measurement of Noise level
  • Prevention and control of Noise Pollution
  •  Noise Pollution Analyser, Sound absorption coefficient, sound absorbing materials, reverbration time; Acoustic silencers, mufflers, barriers, vibration and impact isolation


Essential Readings: 
  • Baird, C. and Cann, M.( 2008). Environmental Chemistry. W.H. Freeman and Company.
  • Bhargava, S. K. (2008). Practical Methods for Water and Air Pollution Monitoring, New  Age International Pub., New Delhi.
  • Bhatia, S.C. (2007). Textbook of Air Pollution and Its Control. Atlantic Pub., New Delhi.
  • Clarke, A. G. (2008). Industrial Air Pollution Monitoring, Gaseous and Particulate Emissions, Springer
  • Evans, G. (2005). Biowaste and Biological Waste Treatment. James and James (Science  Publishers) Ltd, U.K..
  • Gurnham, C. F.( 2004). Principle of Industrial Waste Treatment. John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York
  • Keith, L. H.( 1988). Principles of Environmental Sampling. American Chemical Society.
  • Lutgens, F.K. and Tarbuck, E.J.(2013). The atmosphere:Introduction to Meterology.12th ed.Pearsons publication Inc. USA
  • Sanai, V.S. (1990). Fundamentals of Soil. Kalayani Publishers, New Delhi..
  • Sharma, B.K., (2001). Environmental Chemistry. Geol Publ. House, Meerut Publication,India
  • Shukla, S. K. and Srivastava, P. R. (1992). Methodology of Environmental monitoring and Assessment. Commonwealth Publishers.
  • Wang,K.C., Pereira,N.C.and Hung, Y.T. (2004). .Air Pollution Control Engineering. Humana Press Inc.New Jersy



Academic Year: