Paper Code: 
ENV 122
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course lays emphasis on equitable and efficient distribution of natural resources and its management for sustainable development

Unit I: 
Introduction to Natural Resources
  • Definition and classification(based on continual utility, origin and Utility)
  • Natural resources and associated problems(Population explosion, urbanization industrialization)
  • Conservation and equitable use  of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development


Unit II: 
Water Resources
  • Sources of fresh water:  surface water and ground water.

  • Importance and availability of fresh water

  • Causes of water stress: population expansion, urbanization, industrialization, over utilization,  pollution

  •  Methods of water conservation: Watershed Management and rain water harvesting methods

  • Traditional methods of water conservation in Rajasthan (Talab/Bandhis, Johads, Baoris/Jhalaras, water temples/step wells, Kunds)


Unit III: 
Mineral Resources and Mine land Reclamation
  • Types and uses of mineral resources: Metallic and non metallic
  • Mineral wealth of Rajasthan(Marble,Mica,Copper)
  • Environmental impact of exploitation, processing and smelting of minerals
  • Types of mine reclamation practices; Revegetation of mine spoils through plant fertilization and related practices
Unit IV: 
Land Resources
  • Soil profile and classification
  •  Soil degradation(Physical and Chemical)
  •  Methods of Soil conservation
  •  Forest resources of India(Types and forest cover)
  • Causes of forest degradation
  • Forest conservation measures: Sacred groves, National Forest Policy, Forest Act, Joint Forest Management
  •  Types and classification of Deserts
  • Causes of desertification
Unit V: 
Energy Resources
  • Energy resources and their exploitation
  • Conventional energy resources: fossil fuels-coal, oil and natural gas, Hydroelectric power, nuclear energy
  • Non-conventional energy resources: Ocean thermal energy conversion, wind, tidal, geothermal energy, biomass, solar energy
  • Alternate Energy sources: hydrogen ,fuel cells, alcohol, petroplants, biodiesel,  biogas


Essential Readings: 
  • Botkin, Daniel, B. and Edward,K.A.( 1997). Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 6th ed. John Wiley and Sons, USA
  • Carless and Jennifer (1993). Renewable Energy : A Concise Guide to Green Alternative, Walker, New York
  • Enger, E.D. and Smith, B. F. (2006). Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships 11th ed. McGraw Hill Inc., USA
  • John,F. M.( 1984). Energy and the Environment, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York
  • Malcolm, H. L., Gibbs and James P. (2006). Fundamentals of Conservation Biology. 3rd ed. Wiley-Blackwell
  • Santra, S.C. (2005). Environmental Science (2nd Ed.). New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd, Kolkata, India


Academic Year: