Paper Code: 
ENV 201
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course lays emphasis on equitable and efficient distribution of natural resources and its management for sustainable development

Unit I: 
Introduction to Natural Resources
  • Definition
  • Classification-Based on Chemical nature, Availability/Abundance, Occurrence, Origin, Utility    
  • Sustainable Development- Concept and Basic aspects
  • Agenda 21: Salient features
Unit II: 
Land Resources
  • Soil and its characteristics
  • Types of soil
  • Soil degradation (Physical and chemical)
  • Soil conservation
  • Forest resources of India- Forest types and distribution
  • Importance and Conservation of forest
Unit III: 
Water Resources
  • Sources and use of water(Surface and Ground water)                             
  • Water conservation-
    • Watershed management
    • Rainwater harvesting (Paar system. Talab / Bandhis, Saza Kuva, Johad, Pat, Naada / Bandha, Chandela Tank, Bundela Tank, Kunds / Kundis, Kuis / Beris, Jhalaras, Nadis, Tobas)
Unit IV: 
Mineral Resources
  • Types of Mineral (metallic and non metallic)
  • Uses of mineral resources
  • Environmental Impact of mining
Unit V: 
Energy Resources
  • Classification of energy resource: Conventional and Non conventional             
  • Non-renewable energy resources: fossil fuels(coal, oil and natural gas)
  • Renewable energy resources: Hydroelectric power, Tidal power, wind power, biomass and solar energy


Essential Readings: 
  • ·         Agarwal, A., Narain, S., & Sharma, A. (1999). Global Environmental Negotiations I: Green Politics. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Envionment .
  • ·         Ahmaob, I., & Deloman, J. (1995). Beyond Rio. Macmillan.
  • ·         Field, B. (2005). Encyclopedia of Environment: Environmental Problems and Policies Vol, I and II. New Delhi: Anmol Publications.
  • ·         Khanna, G. N. (1990). Environmental Problems and the United Nations. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House.
  • ·         (1987). Our Common Future, Report of the OECD. Oxford University Press.
  • Owen, S. (2008). Natural Resource Conservation-An Ecological Approach
Academic Year: