Paper Code: 
ENV 423 B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Understand the basics of industrial health and safety measures
  2. Get aware of the regulations pertaining to health and safety in industry
  3. Acquaint with the national and international standards pertaining to health and safety
  4. Gain knowledge about occupational health, industrial hygiene, accidental prevention techniques to the students.

Course outcome


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ENV 423B

Industrial and Occupational Health

Upon completion of this course, student will:

CO121: Develop understanding on occupational health and its significance at different work places

CO122:  Examine the various physiological and psychological effects of work place on the workers

CO123: Design management plan for occupational health and safety at work place

CO124:  Implement safety measures at workplace for prevention of occupational hazards

CO125: Execute their  responsibility for knowing and following all safety and health rules and safe work practices, reporting all injuries, using the safety gear that’s provided for them, and reporting any unsafe conditions that they observe

CO126: Design, support, and evaluate health and safety programs and implement procedures using project management principles and processes appropriate to the task

 Approach in teaching:

 Interactive Lectures, Power point presentations, Informative Videos, Demonstration, tutorials

Learning activities for the students:

Image Interpretation, Case studies, Simulation

Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects, Assignments, Class Test, Semester end examination


Unit I: 
  • Definition of occupational Health
  • Occupational Environment: Interaction in working Environment (physical chemical and biological, Man and machine, man and man)
  • Occupational Hazards: physical, chemical, biological, Mechanical and psychological)


Unit II: 
Industrial Health and Hygiene
  • Occupational Safety
  • Health and Environmental Safety, Management – Principles & practices
  • Planning for Safety: Planning: purpose, nature, scope and procedure. Management by objectives and its role in Safety, Health and Management (SHE)


Unit III: 
Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management
  • Bureau of Indian standards on safety and health 14489 - 1998 and 15001 – 2000
  • Key principles in occupational safety and health:
  • Core OSH principles
  • Rights and duties
  • Workers’ rights
  • Employers’ responsibilities
  • Governments’ duties
  • OHSAS – 18001, EPA Standards, Performance measurements to determine
  • effectiveness of PSM


Unit IV: 
National Policy on Occupational Safety and Health
  • General aims and principles
  • Policy formulation and review
  • Policy instruments
  • National laws, labour codes and regulations
  • Role and obligations of the competent authority
  • Policy coordination
  • Education and training
  • Relevant Conventions and Recommendation of ILO in the furtherance of Safety, Health and Environment (SHE).


Unit V: 
Industrial Safety
  • Safety in Chemical Industries
  • Need of Safety in Chemical Industries
  • Types of chemical industries
  • Indian Standards
  • Types of Chemical Hazards & Controls
  • Safety in Petroleum Refinery, Mining and Petrochemical Industry
  • Oil industry safety Department (OISD) norms for petroleum industry
  • Hazards of bulk storages, and their control measures. Storage of manufacturing process. Hazard and control during manufacturing process.


Essential Readings: 
  • Frank P Lees – Loss of prevention in Process Industries, Vol. 1,Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd., London (1991).
  • R. K. Jain and Sunil S. Rao , Industrial Safety , Health and Environment Management Systems, Khanna publishers , New Delhi (2006)
  • Dr. K. U. Mistry - Fundamentals of Industrial Safety & Health, Siddharth Prakashan, Ahmadabad.


Academic Year: