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To make students aware of the deteriorating conditions of the environment due to anthropogenic interference

Unit I: 
Air Pollution


  • Atmospheric composition and stratification
  • Air quality standards
  • History and episodes of air pollution
  • Sources of pollution (Line and area source)
  • Classification of air pollutants
  • Meteorological parameters influencing air pollution
  • Atmospheric stability and Inversion
  • Plume behavior
  • Photochemical reactions in the atmosphere (Reactions of NOx, SO2,CO,

and CO2 )

  • Causes and effects of acid rain, global warming, and ozone depletion.



Unit II: 
Water Pollution



  • Water quality standards.
  • Sources of water pollution
  • Effects of water pollution
  • Marine Pollution: causes and impacts
  • Ganga Action Plan


Unit III: 
Soil Pollution


  • composition of soil with special reference to Rajasthan
  • Types and sources of soil pollution
  • Methods of Soil pollution control
  •  Land degradation with special reference to soil erosion


Unit IV: 
Noise Pollution


  • Basic concept and definition
  •  Sources of noise pollution
  •  Noise exposure levels and standards
  •  Impacts of noise on human health


Unit V: 
Radioactive and Thermal Pollution


  • Sources, types and effects of radiation(Ionizing and non ionizing)
  • Radioactive Pollution
  • Management and disposal of radioactive waste
  • Control of radioactive pollution
  • Thermal Pollution: sources and effects on ecosystem


Essential Readings: 
  • Clark R.S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB)
  • Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House, Mumabai, 1196p
  • Gleick, H.P. 1993. Water in Crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev., Environment & Security. Stockholm Env. Institute Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Survey of the Environment, The Hindu (M)
  • Trivedi R. K. and P.K. Goel, Introduction to air pollution, Jaipur:Techno-Science Publication
  • Agarwal, S.K.: Pollution Management: Volume I-V, Delhi: A.P. H. Publishing Corporation
  • Rowe, P.V., Introduction to Environmental Pollution.



Academic Year: