Paper Code: 
ENV 424
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand and obtain practical experience of the research process and research skills required to undertake a supervised research project
  2. Train students for scientific writing with emphasis on research problems, hypotheses, literature review and research designs

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

ENV 424


Upon completion of the dissertation, student will:

CO127: Formulate research questions, hypotheses, and analyze research data

CO128:  Develop advanced research skills encompassing construction of research tools and conducting experiments for solving complex problems

CO129:  Execute computer programs: statistical packages, spreadsheets, text editors, to perform calculations and describe results from empirical studies

CO130: Develop effective writing skills to communicate about data and conclusions from research using adequate indicators, tables, and graphs

CO131: Develop skills to propose innovative ideas for combating environmental issues and for promoting sustainable development

CO132: Compose research papers from the findings of the dissertation work

Approach in teaching:

Case studies, Discussions, Concept Mapping, Computer Aided Instruction

Learning activities for the students:

Team-Based Learning, reading journals, concept formation, Reading, Simulation

Power Point presentations, thesis report preparation, Viva voce


The practical work mentioned in the Synopsis in Third Semester (ENV324) is to be conducted in this semester and the bound form (04 in Number) of the Dissertation Thesis has to be submitted for the partial fulfillment of the award of Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Science.The student shall have to give a power point presentation of the work done for semester end evaluation. The student is also expected to write a research paper on the work done in the dissertation and get it published in a research journal


Academic Year: